Thursday, May 14, 2009

Day 1 - Wednesday

We’ve arrived safely- praise God!

This morning, Troy F. drove the team to the airport-almost. The vehicle was over-heating badly this morning and a guaranteed arrival to the airport became not-so-guaranteed…we ate lunch at Austin Bergstrom, left at 3:40pm, then took off for Atlanta, GA. There, the team stretched out, walked to our gate then headed for Paris at 8:40 (est). Greg and Angela met us at Charles De-Gaulle airport; Angela & the girls weaved in & out of metro stations while Greg & Robert took the luggage to the hotel (via car) and checked us in.

Greg quickly briefed us on the current situation at their local church. Its members and leaders are having some difficult issues-please pray! We are leaving now to pray for the church, its leaders, its members and its witness.