Friday, January 4, 2008

A Day of Prayer

Today began with a little adventure as we found ourselves a little misorientated and arriving late to our destination. However, God is good and our host missionaries were most gracious to help us find our way. We started by splitting into two groups and experiencing another market area around Tim and Ashley's apartment and prayer walking. We then met with the city strategy coordinator (Tony) and discussed and prayed about our last 8 days and future strategies for church partnership. What a blessing. We then ventured out to meet and eat with Craig's wife Julie again for lunch. It was hard to say goodbye afterwards. From there, we went out to Sacre Couere which happens to be another historical landmark for France and the Catholic Church. It was a breath taking view of the city of Paris. We prayed hard for the city of Paris and those we met and ministered to. We are so thankful for the opportunity to come and serve along side of these missionaries. We ended the evening with a coffee and fellowship at Starbucks, in which we were given yet another opportunity to share the gospel there. Thank you so much High Pointe and family who have been praying for us. It has been an amazing adventure and spiritual marker in our lives. Please pray for our safe travels as we depart France tommorrow and head back home to you.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day 8

Oue la louve! Today we gathered our strength by sleeping in. Much needed! Then we spent time exploring the Museo’ de louve. What a gigantic and amazing piece of art or I should say many pieces of art. It was great day of fun, site seeing, and having some time to ourselves. Please continue to pray as we will finish our last events and plan our future ones with the host missionaries.

A Day Filled With Jesus

Day 7 proved to be another eye opener as we learned a great deal about the worldviews of Jews in Europe. L & S shared with us their ministry to the Jews. We visited the historical sites during the WWII era in which many deportations took place under the German Army. We also saw the National Memorial of Paris to the Jews. WOW! Words can’t describe the feelings we had concerning the testimonies, pictures, and artifacts. We then prayer walked the Jewish area and ate a kosher meal. Once again the food was great! We also battled the elements of extremely cold weather, but God gave us grace. We then had an amazing night as we went back into the Foyer in which we first distributed the Jesus films. We praise God as our plans were interrupted, so that He could do a work through us. Once again we had divine encounters as we sat and spoke throughout the night discussing who Jesus is and how he was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. We shared the whole entire gospel with them. We spoke of judgment and watched their eyes open in awe, and the message of peace and love through our testimonies. Much thanks to High Pointe and all the others who have been praying for us. We could truly feel the presence of the Holy Spirit uplifting us and giving us wisdom to speak with truth and love!

New Years Day (Day6)

A day of Sabbath …what a blessing. As a team we got to share fun and many laughs as we cruised through Paris visiting the Eiffel tower and the surrounding areas. We also enjoyed some fine cuisines and saw performances of those who had special talents on the street. We happened to even run into a couple the folks from the church we worshipped at (Aerial & Jolie). Still on our time of fun and enjoyment we were able to share Christ with those we met. Praise God!


For all wondering why there was so much moving around and why they couldn't see the pics...well, we had some technical difficulties. After many hours of work, they are all in order and should be viewable. Thanks for being patient with us. We love you High Pointe family and friends!

New Years (Day5)

Day 5 began with meeting for lunch at French bakery. Yum! Then Craig briefed us and we split once again into our groups and went seperate ways to different Foyers for follow and with the intent to evangelize through using their own holy book and show that Isa (Jesus) is more than just a prophet. This went on for hours and was definitely the most intense of the days thus far. Praise God for other devine appointments! We all finally made it to the Kendrick's where brought in the New Year with worship, prayer, fellowship, and prayers! Definitely a most memorable moment for us all!

Day 4

The day of our Lord...Sunday was a great day to meet up with Craig and the others to experience our first worship service in France. Like High Pointe, it was culturally rich to meet so many different walks of life. We met so many friendly faces who enjoyed our company. There was a man whose mother is from Russia and his father from Senegal who has been involved in missions for many years in Mali, Senegal, Congo, and has recently left Kenya due to the harsh violence there. Please pray for S.... We also met a couple young ladies whose parents are missionaries to Argentina, but both were from the great state of TX. Of course, much to our delight; we were finally able to meet the whole Kendrick family who was thrilled to see us. Afterwards, we enjoyed a wonderful French cuisine. Then it was back to work...this time we were split into 3 teams and departed for 3 different Foyers in search of a "man of peace" with the specific purpose of evangelizing. It was intense, amazing, and very interesting to see how God gave us all divine appointments. We must definitely give a report on this when we return to High Pointe later. The Holy Spirit has been moving in miraculous ways and there is nothing un-supernatural about it! Remember us always in your prayers for God hears the prayers of the righteous!

Day 3

We began the day by heading to Tim and Ashley's place where we worshipped by song, prayer, and praise. It truly was a powerful and uplifting time! As the Holy Spirit moved, Craig led us to a different Foyer than anticipated. We split into teams and covered all the floors. It was like throwing bread crumbs out to a flock of hungry birds. We gave them spiritual food by distributing the Jesus film. What an amazing experience to see the excitement of many to receive gifts in their own native tongue. Afterwards, we debriefed and experienced some authentic Gyros (Greek cuisine). Yummy! Some of us went out afterwards and saw the famous Notre Dame...Voila!

Day 2 Events

High Pointe Family and Friends,
We as a team have created a few slideshows for your viewing to share a little of our experiences here in Paris. It truly has been an eye opening to see the lostness of so many souls and to witness firsthand how God is breaking down the walls of darkness by the power of His Holy Spirit! Just to bring you up to par with what has been going on in order of precedence, we will break down the slideshows by days and its events. In this particular slide show which is actually day 2, we were introduced to one of the major market places by prayer walking through with our fellow IMB team, visited our first W.A. Foyer for a bite to eat, the W.A. Mosque (WOW), the national Mosque of Paris, Notre Dame, and of course the local transportation of the Metro system always proves to be interesting. Please be patient with us as we catch you up with the following days. Remember to continue to pray the 5 specific points of prayer as it is much needed to engage against spiritual warfare.

Day 1 (Actual)

As we arrived to Paris, Craig and Greg picked us up from the Airport and quickly began to orientate us towards our upcoming events. We quickly checked into our Hotel at the ETAP and walked down the street to grab a bite to eat at a pizza parlor which was described in a previous posting. We met up with others by the Eiffel Tower and then sat down and experience a cup of French coffee...Wow it has a kick! We then traveled to Arch de Triumph by train and then walked the Tour de France. How beautiful and culturally rich. It was a long an tiring day, but necessary to get us all on the correct time zone. It was also a good prelude to how we were going to spend most of days to come ... lots of walking and trains.